Assam is a mystery land with abundant natural resource.One entrepreneur from Assam set an example and proved that we can make the best out of Mother Nature and natural resources rather than depend on harmful artificial material. They are blessed with nature and no need to bother for the harmful effects of chemicals and artificial ingredients.Global warming is the most debated subject nowadays and we know how deeply it is affecting us. No need to mention the consequences we are facing now.

Let’s know about the person and his wonderful gift which bid farewell to plastic and inspire more people to move towards nature.He is a former IIT student and now an entrepreneur from Assam. Dhritiman Bora, who has made eco-friendly water bottles from bamboo. These bio-degradable water bottles are absolutely leak-proof. These bottles are easy to carry around as the mouths of the bottles are made of cork which does not allow the leakage of water. These bottles come in different sizes and the cost varies between Rs 400 and Rs 600. “Being a natural product, the water remains cool and hygienic and is sturdy it can be taken anywhere. The plastic bottles are very bad for health and in summer can not be used it become hot.”

Dhritiman is not alone in his venture. Mousom Bora has helped him to make his dream come true. Both of them are working together to make this eco-friendly bamboo bottled more accessible to people via an e-commerce platform called www.tribalplantes.com. Locals are still not aware of the day-to-day alternative to plastic, and so one of the major obstacles that they are facing is spreading awareness. Mousom said, “I am trying to redefine the natural and raw choice of people through tribalplanets.com. We are trying to make all the products easily available at your doorstep with a little amount of digitization.